Sunday, May 10, 2009

LOST 100 EPi! 4-129-09

Lost, epi 4-29-09

Well friends, we have made it to a milestone...the 100 EPISODE! Let's hope it lives up to it's hype! Here we go!

-hopspital..Des got shot Ben
-and there is danny boys mama talking to Penny
-she tells Penny that Danny is her son

-30 years earlier...
-Danny Boy appears on the island with Miles and the rest of the gang
-and hello Jack in boxers,..pretend u didn't read that
-Danny wants to know how they got back to 1977
-Jack tells him that mama told him how
-Danny Boy tells Jack mama was wrong, you don't belong here..oh come oh i

-ok, who is playing the piano?
-it's danny boy! as a kid...
-mama is asking him if he knows what destiny means..
-he apparently has a gift...tell the island!
-its mama's job to keep him on the right path

-island now..
-Jack wants to know what dannys mama ment...but he has a errand to run..damn killing polar bears and chasing smoke monsters..
-Sawyer tells Jack he is on video of him and Kate hiding the kid..they also have Phil gagged and stuffed in a cabnit...and they say you cant find good help these days!
-Danny is going underground!
-people are drilling and there is Miles daddy!
-Danny wants miles daddy to order the evacuation of the island because of some rant he said...about the guy on the stretcher and air and stuff
-Danny boy "im from the future" that is how i know omg..

let me pause during this commercial break to let you know there are only 2 shopping days left till my bday on sat! I love pink and flowers and hugs!! lol

-Miles daddy does not believe Danny boy about being from the future...and oh my goshy
-Danny boy just told Dr. Chang...that grown up MILES is his son!
-Danny says he was doing it so miles daddy would do what he is supossed to do

Now we are back to Danny and he has a girl named Theresa with him and mama is not having it at all
-mama tells him all the women he has in his life are going to be hurt
-and Danny got a grant from Widmore..mama looks surprised..
-now she is giving him a gift..pretty blue wrapping paper...whats in the box!!??
-oh its his journal book he writes in all the time

-back to the island
-Sawyer and gang are talking about leaving the island..
-two choices...go into the jungle or steal the sub
-knocky on the door
-its danny boy or aka..twitchy..thats what sawyer called him
-oh danny wants to know where to find the HOSTILES! one of them is mama faraday!
-she is the only person on then island who can get them back to where they belong.

-Okay we see Danny watching the coverage of the oceanic plane that was found..he is crying...
-knocky on the door...its Widmore.
-danny wants to thank him
-to Widmore "i would never hurt Theresa"
-widmore wants to offer him immunity
-The plane crash is still upsetting him
-Widmore tells him that its fake
-Danny says how do u know
-Widmore tells him because he put it there
-Danny asks why are you telling me this...
-Widmore says because tomorrow you wont remember
-And now he is sending him to the island to heal his mind because he has gifts..
-Danny says you sound like my mama and Widmore says that is because we are old i am thinking he is your daddy!!

-Danny is playing piano for mama again..and he is missing the keys..
-Mama, "hello Daniel"
-she tells him she knows he has been offered a job
-she tells him to say yes to mr. widmore
-danny says he can't
-he doesn't know how to use his mind..
-mama says the island can make you better maybe
-he is all like will it make u proud of me if i go
-mama says yes!
-danny agrees to go

to the island...
-Sawyer, Your mother was an other?
-Sawyer says not to tell anyone anything
-Jack asks Kate if she knows where the hostiles are?
-Juls gives them the gate code and says its over here for us anyway
-Sawyer, when you realize what a mistake you made we will be at the beach
-Danny is seeing a little girl before they leave..Charolotte.
-he tells her to be on the sub...
-OH MY SHOOT OUT with jack, kate and danny and those workers ppl

-to the island
-and the gate with the code
-Danny boy "any one of us can die Jack"
-hello, u just sealed ur fate i think
-oh my the alarm and Stu is all like we have been infultrated!
-and hey..they found the guy in the cupboard!
-i am really bad with the names of those ppl lol
-Jack asks Danny why mama said they don't belong there
-in 4 hours the darhma ppl are going to hit a massive pocket of something in the ground..they are going to cover it with cement and call it the hatch...they will have to push a button and Des will not push it one day and they plane will crash..and hey we are going to be here today..but Danny boy is gonna try to fix that cause he is smart and all...woooo
-Danny says ppl are the varibles and they can change the destiny
-nothing good can come of this...

-back to penny and dannys mama
-mama says your husband has become a casualty of all this
-Des is in a recovery room, he is okay
-here is a great crying seen Des is saying he will never leave her again..they kiss!
-mama is leaving and there is widmore asking bout him
-OH and he is like danny is my son! told u!

back to island
-here we are at the hostiles hangout
-he wants to speak to eloise..mama
-there is my richard!
-he wants to know where the hudrobomb is they buried
-and he is shoot
-by mama...a young mama
-he is dying..he says you always knew
-mama "who are you"
-danny "im your son"

ok..the was okay..what do u think...

see you next week!

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