Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lost 2-4-09

Okay, so i know i have been away for FAR TOO LONG. I have missed Lost episodes, i know this...but i am least for a little bit. I am moving in the next few weeks and life has just been way way stressful for me. That is why my Losties, i have not blogged about our beloved show. I have watched though and am finally glad that the group is back on the island. Now on with the show!

- recap of Swayer hitting Danny boy...priceless
- recap of Char dying, LOVE IT!! very priceless
- John hole dissapeaering because of flashy time, wow

- Sawyer you can dig to China and your not gonna find him
- Juls, "wherever John went he's gone"
- wooo what the heck is that big thing
- No John we can't hear you and your bum leg
- Oh lets play turn the island, our first contestant tonight is John
- Oh yea, Miles nose isn't bleeding and their headaches are gone
- Juls, "I think John did it"...
- Jin, "Now What"?
- well duh i can think of some things
- Sawyer, "as long as it takes"

3 years later....

- Lets dance to elevator music
- Rosie, Jerry and polar bear talk makes for fun times
- Horace? he's a drunk i think
- or smart
- somebody knocky on the door please
- holy crap, it's Sawyer on the other side of the

- Sawyer is Miles boss 3 years later, good god
- Horace's wife Amy is pregnant...
- They were fighting about Paul, who?
- Oh my god the baby is coming!!
- Sawyer "oh hell"

3 years earlier

- Where is Char? She is not with Danny Boy
- Danny Boy "She's gone, she's dead"
- oh gosh, get over it...
- Danny Boy, "Were here for good"
- Miles reminds me of a slightly more ecentric Jon, from Jon and Kate plus 8
- Crying, who is crying....screaming....
- people in a distance killing other people, you gotta love a good show
- Look there its Amy!!
- Amy, "who are you" to Sawyer

- Amy, "we have to bury the ppl who were going to kill me and we have to bury Paul"
-Amy, "he wasn't my friend, he was my husband"...refering to Paul
- okay, strange stone statues or as Juls said a sonic fence
- They made her turn it off...
- Amy walks through...they rest of them don't..Amy had ear plugs in

3 years later

-Amy still in labor, the baby is in breach...that means backwards
-Sawyer to Juls "Amy is having her baby"
-Thats right, Juls can't help people have babys...bad things happen
-Jin is speaking really good English (my friend Ryan is like Whoa right now)
-It's a boy!
-and everyone is okay...Juls didn't kill anyone!

-Sawyer being that Horace?
-Sawyer is being told to get on a sub and go to Tahiti..nice
-"JIm you are not Dharma Material lol"
-okay and just saw Char as a little girl, creeeeeeepy on alot of levels
-Lights, running and oh my what in the world..everyone inside
-Heather is keeping an eye on the group
-Oh look its Richard and his man mascara! I love him!

-oh Richard said Horace broke their truce
-Sawyer, "your buddy out there with the eyeliner" lol.
-talk talk talk..thats all anyone ever does...
-They told Richard where the bodys of the guys trying to kill Amy were and now he wants Pauls body
-She says "they can take him, he would want us to be safe"
-Horace says the sub leaving tomorrow comes back in 2 weeks and he can stay and look for his crew...aww
-Juls says she is not waiting and is leaving...
-Swayer is trying to convince her and it works...STUPID GIRL

three years later

-Three years later Sawyer and Juls are together..ha ha..take that Kate

-Good news, Horace is a daddy
-Bad news, you missed it..just call up Octomom!
-Is 3 years long enough to get over somebody?
-Ask Sawyer about Kate...
-Now he can barely remember what she looks like..and she aint never coming back he says..oh how i wish he were right
-Phone ringy ring
-There is Jin with our Oceanic 6 who are back!!! well most of them
-Jack, Hurly and oh yea..Kate..woo..Right now my friend Ryan is smiling...i know

See you all in 2 weeks!

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